Forty-Eight past pupils and seven guests attended the PPU Annual Dinner at the Westbury Hotel on Saturday January 25 2025. This most enjoyable occasion also featured the presentation of the PV Doyle trophy to John Murray (class of 62), ROW Person of the Year 2025.
School Principal, Kate Byrne, addressing the gathering advised that the school is doing well and has about two hundred students, representing over 30 different nationalities. She said that many of the students come to the school in very difficult circumstances but they find a caring atmosphere where they can study and realise their potential.
Kate praised Deputy Principal, Cathriona O’Sullivan, and her staff for their great work. She also thanked the PPU for its valuable contribution including the provision of bursaries to two pupils and the purchase of “hoodies” for the lady’s rugby squad, an activity which is enjoying great popularity amongst the girls. How things have changed!
The President, Dan Ferrari, also mentioned some of the ways the PPU had helped the school during the year. He also thanked the many past pupils who attended the dinner and who supported the raffle.
The Dinner concluded with the presentation of the Row Person of the Year to John Murray (Class of 62)