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Golf Society Secretary, Tony Kenny, recently annoiunced details of the 3 outings planned for 2019. New members and guests would be very welcome. Brief Details as follows:

  1. President’s (Des Donnelly) Prize – Woodbrook, Friday May 31st. Tee Time 1pm – 2.30pm.
  2. Captain’s (Alan O’Connor) Prize – Forest Little, Friday August 16th. Tee time 1pm – 2.30pm.
  3. AGM and “Bring a Bottle” Friday October 18th Foxrock, Friday October 18th. tee time 12.30pm – 1.40pm

Membership subscription for 2019 will be €15 and will be collected at outings.

To get on time sheets or seek further information contact one of the following –

Des Donnelly 086 2607881

Brian Donnelly 087 6183651

Tony Kenny 087 2623700

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