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Having missed our regular January dates in 2021 and 2022 we finally managed to hold our Annual Dinner on Saturday April 2nd 2022. A lot of thought and discussion went into the decision to proceed as the Covid numbers were very high and rising day by day. Our main concern was that we would suffer financially if bookings dropped sharply and the Westbury wanted to hold us to a pre-agreed number. We had a very important meeting with the hotel on March 24th and we were assured that they understood the difficulties and would only charge for the number that actually turned up on the night. Our bookings peaked at 56 and did not fall too sharply. Fifty two past pupils and guests turned up and all agreed that the decision to proceed was correct as a good time was had by all. We will be forever grateful to the management and staff of the Westbury for their flexibility and understanding. In addition, everybody agreed that we had, probably, the best food ever at our dinner.

The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the PV Doyle Trophy for ROW Person of the Year to John Cullen (class of 1964). John’s reign, uniquely, spans two years covering 2021 and 2022. John had an outstanding career in the Civil Service and performed with distinction in his years as President which spanned the 150th anniversary of the school in 2014 and the 1916 commemorations in 2016. He edited the much acclaimed publication Cuimhneachan and spearheaded a number of projects including the Archive Project, which digitised the school roll books right back to the earliest days. A more detailed biography for John was published in News Blog in December 2020.

President Dan Ferrari presents the PV Doyle Tropjy to John Cullen, ROW Person of the Year 2021/22

John Murray took some excellent photos on the night and some of these are published below. Others will follow in due course.

School Principal Kate Byrne reported on school life as it is today. Despite a lot of problems, including those caused by Covid, the school has gone from strength in recent years. It now has 175 students, representing 28 different nationalities and record numbers went on to third level educatiion in 2021.

Pat Neill was our new MC and he did an excellent job.

The Murray brothers share a couple of pints. John was in charge of photography and did a great job.

John Cullen with wife Celine share a proud moment with their daughters and son

President Dan with retired Deputy Principal Eddie Kelly. The PPU made a presentation to Eddie to recognise his contribution to the school and the PPU over his long career of 41 years in the ROW

60 years a growing. ”survivors” of the 1962 Leaving class Jim Conway, John Frain, Tommy Mulloy, John Murray, Jerry Carroll and Michael O’Sullivan.

PPU Chaplain Fr. Eugene says grace before the dinner

President Dan with St. Joseph’s President, Dave Rafferty, Fr. Eugene and John Sheridan

Old class mates from 1976 Prof. John Costello and John McKennedy. The latter is Principal of St. Colmcilles school Knocklyon.

Some people have to mind the money. Michael O’Sullivan and Jim Conway at check in

Tony Kenny, Dermot Soroghan, Ney Kindlon and Jack Phelan have get together. Could they be planning a golf outing in 2022

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