The PPU recently undertook a review of its banking arrangements with a view to making it easier for members to pay their subscriptions and make donations. the old “cheque book and pen” system stood us in good stead over the years and many past pupils were very generous in responding to requests to complete Standing Order Mandates and make donations in response to numerous appeals.
Banking methods have changed a lot in recent years and many people now use on line banking facilities. The PPU is currently making arrangements to bank on line and we are making additional facilities available through our website Members can continue to use the Standing Order Mandate for payment of the annual sub (complete and send to your own bank branch) and we now have a PayPal option to pay the sub by debit/credit card using PayPal (as a guest) or directly through PayPal for members with a PayPal account.
Donations can also be made using your debit/credit card or PayPal or directly from the donor’s bank account to the PPU bank account by the Electric Fund Transfer (or SEPA) system.
The website contains full instructions on how to access and use the new systems. After entering the website, by clicking on the old school bell, click on Annual Subscription and/or Donate and click on the drop down boxes to get all the information.
Whilst we would encourage members to use the new facilities if at all possible, don’t worry if you are not comfortable with the new technology. You can always send a cheque to the Hon. Treasurer, Jim Conway at 23 Orchardstown Park, D14 R7A4. If you need to update your Standing Order and don’t wish to download one from the website you can get one by texting me on 087 2557298. Don’t forget to include your address.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me, Jim Conway, on [email protected] or phone/txt as above.